7 months ago
v7.35.0 Release update
Here at Heropa we've been busy bees over the last little while! 🐝 Here's an update outlining what's in our latest release. We also have lots of other exciting things we're working on, which we'll share with you soon. If you'd like to receive these updates via email, please subscribe!
✨ Brand new
- Configure your Heropa tenancy to not require email addresses from end users: New capability that help meets privacy compliance by providing a way for end users to use Heropa without us storing their email address. Learn more about it here.
- Event and workspace defaults: Admins can now configure default settings for Events and the workspace at a tenancy level. See: Configuring settings.
- Event history: It's now possible to view a detailed audit log of modifications made to an event, via the new History tab. See: Understanding event history.
🌱 Enhancements
- Events - Open workspaces column: The Events List page contains a new column to show the number of open workspaces in each event. This will help Administrators easily identify in progress events.
- Events - Reboot VMs in bulk: A bulk action is now available on an event’s Environments tab, to reboot VMs in bulk during an event. See: Running an event.
- Email templates: Individual email templates can now be enabled / disabled, giving you more control over email communications with users. See: Managing email templates.
- Deleting users: When deleting a user with a role, if that user owns any objects (eg. templates, VM images, etc), a prompt to transfer their ownership is now shown, and object ownership must be transferred before they can be deleted.
- User invite URL: Should invited users not receive their email to register an account, you can now access their Invite URL containing their unique access token from the Users List page, and share it with them to allow them to complete their registration. See: Adding users.
- Templates List last modified: A new column has been added to the Templates List page showing when each template was last modified.
- Storage usage calculations: Previously, the storage usage calculation for environments was showing an hourly value in environment lists. This now shows a monthly value, allowing you to more easily determine how environments are consuming storage.
- Compatibility checks by region: For companies with >1 region you can now specify the region to run the test when using the test URL, by adding the region shortcode to the end of the URL eg. company.heropa.com/test/regionshortcode. The region shortcode is based on the cloud provider’s code for that region.
- API: We’ve improved our API interactions with cloud providers, resulting in fewer calls and improving the utilization against published cloud provider rate limits.
🔧 Bugfixes
- Events: Seats deleted and then re-created were creating duplicate seats. This has now been fixed.
- Users - Bulk delete: A bug that was incorrectly deleting users with a role has now been fixed. Only users without a role can be deleted via bulk delete.
- Reports: Reporting on when an environment was last accessed is now showing correctly in the Last Access column.
- API: An issue where Company defaults for Events were not being respected for events created via the API has been fixed.